A teeth whitening dentist is one who is becoming very important these days just because getting blemished teeth is expected. Discoloration of teeth is not just because of aging but is even caused by lifestyles that had turn into an important part of many people.
Drinking tea, smoking, soda or coffee is not just simple to give up as somehow they alleviate stress and can also be measured as energy "uppers" and "downers". Actually they make perfect company mainly when one is stressed with lots of tasks to complete. But sorry to note that habitual drinking and smoking of these things can cause your teeth to be greatly discolored.
And what notion would some others have on you in case what they notice are rows of blemished teeth when you smile? Obviously you would not wish them to distinguish you as one of poor sanitation or more so as one with poor habits. You just cannot put at risk your career or your communal life by flashing stale or guarded smile or the nastiest is not smiling at all.